The Human Truth Foundation

Pages Tagged with #economics

Human Truth Foundation pages (12):

Economic Inequality, in the following sections:

  • Economic Inequality: 3. Inequalities By Region
  • Economic Inequality: 2. Multidimensional Poverty
  • Economic Inequality: 1. Gini Inequality Ratings, by Country
  • Top of page / intro

The Demographics Crisis (The Increase in Life Expectancy is Raising the Old Age Dependency Ratio), in the following sections:

Which are the Best Countries in Asia?, in the following sections:

Denmark, in the following sections:

Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan), in the following sections:

Greece (Hellenic Republic), in the following sections:

The United States of America, in the following sections:

Free-Market Capitalism and Democracy: 1. Benefits

How to Govern Well: 8.2. The World is Complex: Support Specialists and Statisticians

Liberal Values: 3. Liberal Economic Values

Kuwait (State of Kuwait): 2. Kuwait National and Social Development

What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life: 0.3. Income Inequality (Gini Coefficient)