Pages Tagged with #life

Human Truth Foundation pages (39):

Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life, in the following sections:

The Food Chain and God, in the following sections:

Souls do not Exist: Evidence from Science & Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism, in the following sections:

The Problem of Evil: Why Would a Good God Create Suffering?, in the following sections:

Natural Evil such as Earthquakes: Evidence That God is Not Good, in the following sections:

The Gaia Hypothesis of James Lovelock, in the following sections:

Abiogenesis: The Origins of Life on Primordial Earth, in the following sections:

The Nature of Alien Life: From the Familiar to the Exotic, in the following sections:

Emotions Are Biological: How Biochemistry and Neurology Account for Feelings, in the following sections:

The Food Chain, in the following sections:

The Limbic System: The Source of Emotions in the Human Brain

Infanticide and Heaven: Killing Babies for God: 4. The Problem of Evil

Homocentricity or Anthropocentrism: Why Do Religions Think Humanity Is Central to God and Creation?: 2.2. Evolution Explains Life: No Special Intervention was Required

Is the Christian God Evil? Evidence from Scripture and Nature: 7. The Problem of Evil

The Validity of Love Theodicy: God, Humans, Free Will and Evil

God and Goodness: Can a Perfectly Benevolent God Exist?: 6. The Problem of Evil

Religion and Population Growth: 1. The Population of the Earth

The Concept of a Perfect God is Impossible: 3. An Imperfect Creation

Why God Created Evil: The Absence of Good?: 1. The Problem of Evil

The Experience of Evil Theodicy

Is Free Will the Reason God Allows Evil and Suffering?: 1. The Problem of Evil

God Never Needs to Test Us: 1. The Problem of Evil

How to Kill God and Reduce Religion: 1.1. Things to Bring Up in Debates

Will We Be Able to Transfer Human Consciousness to the Internet?

The Gaia Hypothesis: Nice But Unlikely

Causes of Belief in the Afterlife and Differences Across Religions and Cultures: 6. There Are No Souls

Moral Relativism: Absolute Morality is Not Possible: 2. Morals From God

The Population of the Earth

Mudskippers: Walking Fish

What the Worst and Most Horrible Genetic Diseases?

What are the Chances of There Being Alien Life in the Universe?

The Inevitability of Life: The Universe is Fine-Tuned for No-one!

Split Brain Studies: One Mind per Hemisphere

The Evolution of the Human Eye, Complete With Its Inside-Out Retina

Theological Problems with Heaven, Paradise and Nirvana: 2.1. Why Would God Create Suffering and Pain?

Pantheism: 4. The Gaia Hypothesis and Emergent Properties

Consciousness as an Emergent Property

Is God All-Powerful? Can God or Anything Truly Be Omnipotent?: 3. The Problem of Evil

The Effects of Overpopulation: 1. The Population of the Earth

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):

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