Pages Tagged with #judaism

Main page:


Human Truth Foundation pages (523):

The 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament (Originally from the Trei Asar), in the following sections:

Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much, in the following sections:

Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love, in the following sections:

Animal Sacrifice and Blood Rituals in Traditional World Religions and Satanism, in the following sections:

The Major Prophets of the Old Testament, in the following sections:

Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action: Biblical Morals and Social Disaster, in the following sections:

Anti-Semitism, in the following sections:

Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism, in the following sections:

Fundamentalist Judaism and Jewish Terrorism, in the following sections:

What Do Religions Say About Souls?, in the following sections:

Religion and Abolition of the Historical Slave Trade, in the following sections:

Religion, Violence, Crime and Mass Suicide, in the following sections:

Religion in Europe, in the following sections:

Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in the following sections:

The Peacock vs. the Ostrich - Religious Behaviour and Sexuality, in the following sections:

The Pentateuch is the First 5 Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, in the following sections:

Religious Extremism, in the following sections:

The True Meaning of Easter, in the following sections:

The Book of Yōnah / Jonah / Jonas, in the following sections:

Mithraism and Early Christianity, in the following sections:

Causes of Belief in the Afterlife and Differences Across Religions and Cultures, in the following sections:

The Historical Slave Trade and Modern Slavery, in the following sections:

The Gospel According to Saint Mark, in the following sections:

Christian Mythology: Adam and Eve, and the Serpent, in the Garden of Eden, in the following sections:

The Battle Between Monotheism and Homosexuality: Religious Prejudice Versus Equality, in the following sections:

Homocentricity or Anthropocentrism: Why Do Religions Think Humanity Is Central to God and Creation?, in the following sections:

Faith Schools in the UK, in the following sections:

Religion in the United Kingdom: Diversity, Trends and Decline, in the following sections:

Islam and Antisemitism: High Rates of Muslim Racism Against Jews, in the following sections:

The Assumptions about God and Creation, of Both Theists and Atheists, in the following sections:

Sikhism, in the following sections:

Institutionalized Religions Have Their Numbers Inflated by National Polls, in the following sections:

The Mystical Number 7, in the following sections:

The Book of Zekharyah / Zephaniah / Sophonias, in the following sections:

Abraham's Attempted Sacrifice of His Son Isaac: Genesis 22:1-18 and Qur'an 37:99-113, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Iran, in the following sections:

Religious Clothing and Symbols in Secular Democracies, in the following sections:

Theological Problems with Heaven, Paradise and Nirvana, in the following sections:

Islam and Women, in the following sections:

Shemot / Exodus, in the following sections:

Organized Coverups of Sexual Child Abuse by Priests, Clergy and Christian Institutions, in the following sections:

Christianity and Women: Biblical Misogyny and Male Dominance, in the following sections:

Devarim / Deuteronomy, in the following sections:

Book of Judges (Shofetim), in the following sections:

Gnosticism (1st-7th Century): The Birth of Christianity, in the following sections:

The Book of Mal´akhi / Malachi / Malachias, in the following sections:

Israel (State of Israel), in the following sections:

Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran), in the following sections:

Zoroastrianism, in the following sections:

Wicca - The Rise of a Western Mystery Religion Based on Witchcraft, in the following sections:

Opt-Out Organ Donation Schemes, in the following sections:

When Human Religions Meet Intelligent Alien Life, in the following sections:

The 12 Disciples: The Christian Take on Ancient Astrology, in the following sections:

Endorsement of Violence and Murder in the Old Testament, in the following sections:

The Book of NaḤum / Nahum, in the following sections:

Acts (The Acts of the Apostles), in the following sections:

The Book of Hōshea / Hosea / Osee, in the following sections:

The Book of Zekharyah / Zechariah / Zacharias, in the following sections:

The Book of Haggai / Aggeus, in the following sections:

The Book of Ḥabhaqquq / Habakkuk / Habacuc, in the following sections:

The Book of Mikhayah / Micah / Michael, in the following sections:

The Argument that Everything Needs a Creator, Therefore God Exists as the First Cause, in the following sections:

The Book of `ōbhadhyah / Obadiah / Abdias, in the following sections:

The Book of Amōs / Amos, in the following sections:

The Book of Yō´el / Joel, in the following sections:

The Gradual Instruction of Humankind by a Series of Prophets from God, in the following sections:

Religious Dogmas Against Marrying Outsiders (Exogamy), in the following sections:

Ethics Of Reciprocity like the Golden Rule and the Wiccan Rede Do Not Work, in the following sections:

Fundamentalism and Literalism in World Religions, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Italy, in the following sections:

Satan and The Devil in World Religions, in the following sections:

Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger, in the following sections:

Religion in the UK's Armed Forces, in the following sections:

Hell in World Religions, in the following sections:

1st Century Christian Ebionites: The Original Christians?, in the following sections:

Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam, in the following sections:

Marriage: Its Diversity and Character, in the following sections:

How Religious is Each Country? Which Regions of the World are Least Religious?, in the following sections:

St Paul - History, Biblical Epistles, Gnosticism and Mithraism, in the following sections:

Religious Education in UK Schools, in the following sections:

The Universe Could Not Have Been Created by God: The Failure of First Cause Arguments, in the following sections:

The Divine Number 12: 12 Gods, 12 Disciples, 12 Tribes and the Zodiac, in the following sections:

Pascal's Wager is Safer in Reverse: Picking a Religion is Dangerous Business, in the following sections:

Alienation and Dangerous Sexual Deviation: Society's Reaction to Child Abuse Often Makes Things Worse, in the following sections:

Religion Versus Womankind, in the following sections:

Approaching Death: Some Instincts of the Human Animal, in the following sections:

Legislation and Faith: Religious Rights and Religious Wrongs, in the following sections:

Eritrea (State of Eritrea): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Guinea-Bissau (Republic of Guinea-Bissau): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Germany (Federal Republic of Germany): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Estonia (Republic of Estonia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Fiji (Republic of the Fiji Islands): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Guinea (Republic of Guinea): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Georgia (Republic of Georgia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Equatorial Guinea (Republic of Equatorial Guinea): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Greece (Hellenic Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Ghana (Republic of Ghana): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Gabon (Gabonese Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Guatemala (Republic of Guatemala): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Grenada: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Gambia (Republic of The Gambia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

France (French Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Congo, (Brazzaville) (Republic of the Congo): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Bulgaria (Republic of Bulgaria): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Burkina Faso: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Burundi (Republic of Burundi): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Cambodia (Kingdom of Cambodia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Cameroon (Republic of Cameroon): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Canada: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Cape Verde (Republic of Cape Verde): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Central African Republic: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Chad (Republic of Chad): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Chile (Republic of Chile): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Colombia (Republic of Colombia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Dominican Republic: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Congo, DR (Democratic Republic of the Congo): 11. Religion and Beliefs

El Salvador (Republic of El Salvador): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Costa Rica (Republic of Costa Rica): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Croatia (Republic of Croatia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Cuba (Republic of Cuba): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Cyprus (Republic of Cyprus): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Czechia: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti): 11. Religion and Beliefs

The United States of America: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Dominica (Commonwealth of Dominica): 10. Religion and Beliefs

Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Comoros (Union of Comoros): 10. Religion and Beliefs

Marshall Islands (Republic of the Marshall Islands): 10. Religion and Beliefs

Libya (Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Liechtenstein (Principality of Liechtenstein): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Lithuania (Republic of Lithuania): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Macedonia (Republic of Macedonia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Malawi (Republic of Malawi): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Malaysia: 11. Religion and Beliefs

The Maldives (Republic of Maldives): 10. Religion and Beliefs

Iceland (Republic of Iceland): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Malta (Republic of Malta): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Lebanon (Lebanese Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Mauritania (Islamic Republic of Mauritania): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Mauritius (The Republic of Mauritius): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Mexico (United Mexican States): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia): 9. Religion and Beliefs

Moldova (Republic of Moldova): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Monaco (Principality of Monaco): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Mongolia: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Montenegro (Republic of Montenegro): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Mali (Republic of Mali): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Haiti (Republic of Haiti): 12. Religion and Beliefs

Honduras (Republic of Honduras): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Hungary (Republic of Hungary): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Brunei (Negara Brunei Darussalam): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Bahrain (Kingdom of Bahrain): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Iraq (Republic of Iraq): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Ireland: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Scandinavia, the Crown of Civilisation:Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Italy (Italian Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Liberia (Republic of Liberia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Japan: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Lesotho (Kingdom of Lesotho): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Kenya (Republic of Kenya): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Kiribati (Republic of Kiribati): 9. Religion and Beliefs

Korea, North (Democratic People's Republic of Korea): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Korea, South (Republic of Korea): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Kuwait (State of Kuwait): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Latvia (Republic of Latvia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Guyana (Co-operative Republic of Guyana): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Jamaica: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Islam versus Unbelievers: Convert, Subjugate or Die: 1. Muslims Must Face Non-Muslims With Conversion, Subjugation, or Death

Galatians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians: 3.1. Who Did Paul Talk To After His Conversion?

Ezra-Nehemiah / 1 Esdras / Ezra (2 Esdras)

Prayer of Manasseh

Yeshayahu / Isaiah / Isaias: 2. Monotheism

Yirmeyahu / Jeremiah / Jeremias

Eikhah / Lamentations

Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals?: 1.1. Dogmatism and Legalism

Baruch / Baruch EO

Baruch / Letter of Jeremiah

God and Goodness: Can a Perfectly Benevolent God Exist?

The Book of Daniel

The Problem of Evil: Why Would a Good God Create Suffering?: 2. The Inhumane Effects of the Justifications of Evil

Islam: A Critical Look at Contemporary Issues

Biblical Christianity Denies Free Will: 4.1. An Ancient Debate

Types of Christianity in History: Who Were the First Christians?: 2.4. The Dead Sea Scrolls (170BCE to 68BCE)

Jesus Did Not Exist: 2.6. Jesus and Other God-Men are Personifications of the Sun

The Gospel According to Saint Matthew: 7. The Crucifixion

Christianity's 7 Day Creation Myth

Christianity v. Astronomy: The Earth Orbits the Sun!: 2. The Babylonians' Knowledge

The Christian Holy Bible: 1.1. Moses, and the Rest

Barbados: 11. Religion and Beliefs

The Book of Yekhezqel / Ezekiel / Ezechiel

Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Racism Versus 'The Race Card': 2. Criticize Islam's Ideas, Not Its People

Abortion, Birth Control and Contraception: 6. How Faulty Teachings on Sexuality Lead to Faulty Society

General Neophobia in Everyday Life: Humankind's Fear of Progress and Change: 3.7.3. A Base 10 Method of Timekeeping?

Arian Christianity (the Father is Greater than the Son): A Precursor to Modern Christianity: 1. Arianism: A Developed Christianity

How Modern Christianity Began: The Cappadocian-Nicene-Pauline Roman Amalgamation: 2.3. Erasing the Heretics: Christian History was Written by the Victors

Human Religions

Why Question Beliefs? Dangers of Placing Ideas Beyond Doubt, and Advantages of Freethought: 1.1. Beliefs Have Consequences

The Four Dimensions and the Immutability of God: 6. Popular Religious Beliefs

National Apologies for Ancestral Sins and Historical Evils: 2. This Isn't About Individuals

Souls do not Exist: Evidence from Science & Philosophy Against Mind-Body Dualism: 5. Religion

Melakhim (1st half) / 1 Kings / 3 Kingdoms: 1. The Number Twelve in 1 Kings

The Nature of Alien Life: From the Familiar to the Exotic: 6. Religion


The Islamic Religion is Often Mixed With Cultural Practices

Homosexuality in Animals and Humans: 4. Religion and Homosexuality

God's Methods of Communication: Universal Truth Versus Hebrew and Arabic: 2. The Gradual Instruction of Humankind by a Series of Prophets from God

Scriptural Debating Style: Christians and Muslims Must be Patient and Courteous: 2. Islam: With Courteous Manners and Wisdom

Hot Topics in Human Sexuality: 3. Religion and Widespread Sexual Disorders

What are 'Left Hand Path' Religions?: 4. Christianity and Islam

Bereishit / Genesis

Vayikra / Leviticus

Bamidbar / Numbers

Modern Paganism (Neopaganism): 5.1. Gender Equality and Feminism

Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Is the Christian God Evil? Evidence from Scripture and Nature: 2. The New Testament God is Also Evil: More Genocides and Divine Incitements of Murder

Andorra (Principality of Andorra): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Angola (Republic of Angola): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Antigua & Barbuda: 10. Religion and Beliefs

Argentina (Argentine Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Armenia (Republic of Armenia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Australia (Commonwealth of Australia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Austria (Republic of Austria): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Azerbaijan (Republic of Azerbaijan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Albania (Republic of Albania): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Nothing New: Religions Evolve From Previous Religions: 3. Christianity: The New Testament was Rehashed Paganism

Afghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Hebrew Scriptures and Christian Holy Bibles Across Different Traditions: 2. Comparison Table of Which Books are Included in Bibles of the Most Popular Christian Traditions?

Belarus (Republic of Belarus): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Belize: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Benin (Republic of Benin): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Bhutan (Kingdom of Bhutan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Bolivia (Republic of Bolivia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Bosnia & Herzegovina: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Botswana (Republic of Botswana): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Bahamas (Commonwealth of The Bahamas): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Why Do Women Have to Cover Their Hair in Judaism, Christianity and Islam?

Ephesians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians

God and Pronouns: God has No Gender: 2. Religions and Beliefs With a Gender-Neutral Divinity

Single God Religions (Monotheism)

Colossians - The Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians: 1. About Colossians - A Forgery Written in the Name of St Paul

1 Peter - The 1st Epistle of Peter: 1. 1 Peter Was a Forgery

Panama (Republic of Panama): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Myanmar (was Burma) (Union of Myanmar): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Secularisation Theory: Will Modern Society Reject Religion? What is Secularism?: 3.1. Religion in Europe

The Internet and Religion: 3.3. Islam

Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of Algeria): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Incest in the Bible: Adam and Eve and Their Children, and Noah and His Family: 5. Incest in Ancient Zoroastrianism

Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Noah, the Ark and the Flood, from the Bible Book of Genesis: 4.1. Ancient Concerns About Overpopulation

Book of Genesis chapter 3: Adam, Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden: 6. Why Was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden? A History of the Mythology of the Serpent

Agnosticism: 4. Good Educational Level

The Bahá'í Faith: 4.1. Another Religion Claiming that its Prophet is the Latest from God

The Bane of Monotheism: Against Single-God Religions

The Al-Muwaḥḥidūn (Druze): 2. The State of Jabal al-Druze and the Ebb & Flow of the Druze

The Benefits and Dangers of Vegetarianism: 7. Ritual Animal Slaughter in World Religions

Jainism: 6.4. The Tirthankaras and the Solar Mythology of the Number 12

International Date Format (ISO 8601) and Time Measurements: 2. The Babylonians Versus the French Revolution

Sura 9 of the Qur'an

Human Rights and Freedom in Jordan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Netherlands: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Norway: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Poland: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Sweden: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Colombia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in the Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast): 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Egypt: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Georgia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Guatemala: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Haiti: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in India: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Indonesia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Iraq: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Russia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Malaysia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion

Human Rights and Freedom in Philippines: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Peru: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Oman: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Nigeria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Israel: 5. Freedom of Belief and Religion

Human Rights and Freedom in Mexico: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Japan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Libya: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Lebanon: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Kuwait: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Kenya: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Kazakhstan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in France: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Morocco: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Why Are There So Many Religious People? Parents, Local Culture and Inertia: 3. Inertia

Human Rights and Freedom in Germany: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Iceland: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Freethought - Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Religion: 5. Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Does Praying for Someone Work?: 2. Social Studies: Is There Evidence That One Religion's Prayers Are Being Answered More Than Others?

Christianity and Homosexuality: A Very Unhappy Story: 10. The Wider Picture: The Relationship of Monotheism in General to Homosexuality

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Armenia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism: 2.3. Muslim Anti-Jewish Violence

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Argentina: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Pastafarianism (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster)

Problems With Marriage in Islam: From Child Marriages to Male Dominance: 9.2. Religion Versus Womankind

Non-Religious Secular Jews (Cultural Judaism)

Did King David and Solomon Exist? The Puzzle of the Missing Empire

Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings: 5. The Battle Between Monotheism and Homosexuality

Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Refuting Missionaries [of Christianity]

Human Rights and Freedom in Bolivia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Saudi Arabia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in China: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Chile: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Canada: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Brazil: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Algeria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Bosnia & Herzegovina: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Finland: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Belgium: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Belarus: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Bangladesh: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Azerbaijan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Bahrain: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Australia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

The Concept of a Perfect God is Impossible: 1. Perfection

March Religious Festivals and Dates

Human Rights and Freedom in Jamaica: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Asia: Statistical Comparisons: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Paraguay: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in Europe: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Social Identity as a Propagator of Religion: 4. When Religion is Tied With Communal Identity, True Believers are Difficult to Count

Human Rights and Freedom in Uruguay: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

The Bible's History Books Covering 1100-950 BCE: 2. Book of Judges (Shofetim)

The 'Wisdom' Books of the Bible: 3. Prayer of Manasseh

The Americas: Which Countries are Best at Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality?: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in The Caribbean: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries at Human Rights, Freedom and Tolerance?: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance in the Middle East: A Very Unhappy Picture: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Calendar of Annual Religious Special Days and Festivals

Human Rights and Freedom in Qatar: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

September Religious Festivals and Dates

Christians Against Christmas: 1. Unbiblical

Dreams, Religion and Magic: A Long History of Misunderstanding: 3. Case Study: Christianity (Daniel Versus Deuteronomy)

Religion in India: 1. Adherents and Beliefs

Christianity and Marriage: 1. The History of Church Christian Marriage is Shorter Than Many Expect

December Religious Festivals and Dates

January Religious Festivals and Dates

October Religious Festivals and Dates

February Religious Festivals and Dates

August Religious Festivals and Dates

July Religious Festivals and Dates

June Religious Festivals and Dates

May Religious Festivals and Dates

April Religious Festivals and Dates

Human Rights and Freedom in Denmark: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

November Religious Festivals and Dates

Human Rights and Freedom in Thailand: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Ghana: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in USA: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in United Arab Emirates: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Ukraine: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Uganda: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Vietnam: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Tunisia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Yemen: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Tanzania: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Sudan

Human Rights and Freedom in South Korea: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in South Africa: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Singapore: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Serbia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in the UK: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Women as Possessions and Objects of Beauty in the Bible

Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance?: 0.10. Anti-Semite Opinions

Comparing Small Islands on Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Gender Equality: 5. Religion Versus Womankind

Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Africa: Statistical Comparisons: 5.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Venezuela: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Austria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

The Benefits of Secular Government: Approaching Religion Fairly: 3. A Wall of Separation Between Church and State

Human Rights and Freedom in Spain: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Latvia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Hungary: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Greece: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Estonia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Croatia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Human Rights and Freedom in Bulgaria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions

Thailand (Kingdom of Thailand): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Singapore (Republic of Singapore): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Slovakia (Slovak Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Slovenia (Republic of Slovenia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Solomon Islands: 10. Religion and Beliefs

Somalia: 11. Religion and Beliefs

South Africa (Republic of South Africa): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Spain (Kingdom of Spain): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka): 12. Religion and Beliefs

Sudan (Republic of the Sudan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Suriname (Republic of Suriname): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Swaziland (Kingdom of Swaziland): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Switzerland (Swiss Confederation): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Syria (Syrian Arab Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Vanuatu (Republic of Vanuatu): 10. Religion and Beliefs

Turkey (Republic of Turkey): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Who Wrote the Four Gospels of the New Testament? An Introduction to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.: 4. The Gospel According to Saint Mark

Uruguay (Oriental Republic of Uruguay): 11. Religion and Beliefs

United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Ukraine: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Uganda (Republic of Uganda): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Tajikistan (Republic of Tajikistan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Turkmenistan: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Tunisia (Tunisian Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Trinidad & Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Tonga (Kingdom of Tonga): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Togo (Togolese Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Timor-Leste (East Timor) (Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Serbia (Republic of Serbia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Tuvalu: 9. Religion and Beliefs

Nigeria (Federal Republic of Nigeria): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Sierra Leone (Republic of Sierra Leone): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Paraguay (Republic of Paraguay): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Papua New Guinea (Independent State of Papua New Guinea): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Religion in Pakistan: 1. Adherents and Beliefs

Palau (Republic of Palau): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Philippines (Republic of the Philippines): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Oman (Sultanate of Oman): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Poland (Republic of Poland): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Niger (Republic of Niger): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Nicaragua (Republic of Nicaragua): 11. Religion and Beliefs

New Zealand: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Nepal: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Nauru (Republic of Nauru): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Review of 'The Dead Sea Scrolls' by S. Hodge

Saint Lucia: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Vatican City (State of the Vatican City): 5. Religion and Beliefs

Senegal (Republic of Senegal): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Sao Tome & Principe (Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe): 10. Religion and Beliefs

San Marino (Republic of San Marino): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Peru (Republic of Peru): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Saint Vincent & the Grenadines: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Seychelles (Republic of Seychelles): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Saint Kitts & Nevis (Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Rwanda (Republic of Rwanda): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Russia (Russian Federation): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Romania: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Qatar (State of Qatar): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Portugal (Portuguese Republic): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Samoa (Independent State of Samoa): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Countries in Asia?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Greenland: 4. Religion and Beliefs

French Guiana (Overseas Region of Guiana): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Guadeloupe (Overseas Region of Guadeloupe): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Martinique (Overseas Region of Martinique): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Reunion (Overseas Region of Reunion): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Aruba: 4. Religion and Beliefs

Netherlands Antilles: 1. Religion and Beliefs

Palestine (Occupied Palestinian Territory): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Kosovo: 7. Religion and Beliefs

South Sudan (Republic of South Sudan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Sweden: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Finland: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Norway: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Uzbekistan (Republic of Uzbekistan): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Caribbean Countries?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Biblical Dress Codes: God's Laws on Clothes: 3. All Laws of the Bible Must be Followed, Both Old and New

God is Logically Impossible: The Argument for Atheism from Incoherence: 3. God Cannot be Perfectly Benevolent or Morally Good

Human Rights and Secular Morals: Ethics Without Religion or Faith: 3. Human Communities Share Most Morals No Matter What Religion They Are

The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law?: 1. The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law?

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre; and the Wilberforce Academy: 4.3. Nadia Eweida, British Airways (Case 2007 - 2013)

Denmark: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Countries in the Middle East?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

A List of All Religions and Belief Systems

Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Small Island Nations?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Countries in The Americas?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Countries in Europe?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Which are the Best Countries in Africa?: 11. Religion and Beliefs

Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region): 10. Religion and Beliefs

Compare International Statistics by Region and Continent: 7. Religion and Beliefs

New Caledonia: 4. Religion and Beliefs

Faroe Islands: 4. Religion and Beliefs

Niue: 4. Religion and Beliefs

Cook Islands: 5. Religion and Beliefs

Wallis & Futuna (Collectivity of the Wallis and Futuna Islands): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Isle of Man: 4. Religion and Beliefs

French Polynesia (Overseas Country of French Polynesia): 4. Religion and Beliefs

Anguilla: 3. Religion and Beliefs

Taiwan (Republic of China): 8. Religion and Beliefs

Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Zambia (Republic of Zambia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Yemen (Republic of Yemen): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela): 11. Religion and Beliefs

Mayotte (Departmental Collectivity of Mayotte): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Saint Helena: 2. Religion and Beliefs

Namibia (Republic of Namibia): 11. Religion and Beliefs

US Virgin Islands (United States Virgin Islands): 4. Religion and Beliefs

Guam (Territory of Guam): 4. Religion and Beliefs

American Samoa (Territory of American Samoa): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Puerto Rico (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico): 4. Religion and Beliefs

Tokelau: 3. Religion and Beliefs

Turks & Caicos Islands: 3. Religion and Beliefs

Macau (Macau/Macao Special Administrative Region): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Montserrat: 3. Religion and Beliefs

Gibraltar: 3. Religion and Beliefs

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Cayman Islands: 4. Religion and Beliefs

British Virgin Islands: 4. Religion and Beliefs

Bermuda: 5. Religion and Beliefs

Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of The Northern Mariana Islands): 3. Religion and Beliefs

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (11):

[ + EXPAND + ]

Satanism and Violence, in the following sections:

What is the Relationship Between Satanism and Fascism?, in the following sections:

Satanic Ritual and Satanic Magic, in the following sections:

Sex and Sexuality in Satanism, the Religion of the Flesh, in the following sections:

Criticisms of LaVeyan Satanism: 1. Superficiality

The Pro-Blasphemy Position: Satanism in Action!: 2. Satanism: A Blasphemous Religion

Swasticross - The Cross and The Swastika: 1.2. The Swastika in Ancient History: A Symbol of Good

The Nine Satanic Sins: 3. Sin in Satanism: Law of the Claw and Stupidity

The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth: 2.10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food

Satanic Social Ethics and Teachings on Morality in Satanism: 7. The Ethic of Reciprocity, Golden Rule or Wiccan Rede

God Must Be Evil (If It Exists): 1.4. God, Free Will and Morality